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Creating a Cube

To create a cube, we can instantiate an Mx3dMkBox object.

You can construct an Mx3dMkBox object by providing two non-coincident geometric points of type Mx3dGePoint.

// Get the document
const doc = mxcad3d.getDocument();
const pt1 = new Mx3dGePoint(5, 5, 5);
const pt2 = new Mx3dGePoint(15, 15, 15);

// Construct the BOX
const boxMaker = new Mx3dMkBox(pt1, pt2);

// Get the topological shape
const boxShape = boxMaker.Shape();

// Create a shape label in the document
const boxLabel = doc.addShapeLabel();

// Add the topological shape to the label

// Update the display (this will update the model shown in the canvas)

The above code constructs a cube with diagonal points at (5, 5, 5) and (15, 15, 15), aligned with the X, Y, and Z axes for length, width, and height, respectively.

Alternatively, you can create a cube by providing three values for x, y, and z, which represent the dimensions along the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively. The cube's diagonal points will be (0, 0, 0) and (x, y, z).

// Cube with length 30, width 20, and height 15
const boxMaker = new Mx3dMkBox(30, 20, 15);


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