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Topological Shapes

Topological shapes consist of various primitive elements and complex shapes composed of these primitives.

Topological Shape ClassDescription
Mx3dShapeObjectRepresents a topological shape, base class for the following classes
Mx3dShapeVertexRepresents a vertex
Mx3dShapeEdgeRepresents an edge formed by connecting two vertices
Mx3dShapeWireConsists of multiple connected edges and can be closed
Mx3dShapeFaceRepresents a face enclosed by a closed wire
Mx3dShapeShellConsists of multiple faces and can be closed
Mx3dShapeSolidRepresents a solid enclosed by a closed shell
Mx3dShapeCompSolidRepresents a combination of multiple solids
Mx3dShapeCompoundRepresents a combination of multiple shapes

The above topological shape objects can be stored in document labels.